Land for sale · Commercial · 6 332 m²

Hradec nad Svitavou

Price 9 490 000 Kč

translated from Czech

I offer for sale a functional unit of land with a total area of 6428 m2, which includes a building of about 60 m2. The offered area is located in the extravilán of the village Hradec nad Svitavou near the adjacent road I/43 in the direction from Svitavy to Brno. Situationally it is about 6 km from Svitavy, from the village of Hradec nad Svitavou about 1 km. Part of the premises is used as a car shop, the other part is unused. It includes an office with sanitary facilities and an adjacent warehouse. All land is designated for commercial use as VS - mixed production areas according to the zoning plan. It is possible to build buildings of mixed character from industrial production and storage to services or parking areas. The land is slightly sloping to the west. Access to the land is provided directly from the mentioned road. The building is connected to utilities - electricity, water. There is no sewage or unified sewerage system in the vicinity, therefore the waste is brought to a new sump. The property offers an opportunity with plenty of business opportunities in a very interesting location. I will be happy to provide further information upon viewing. I will arrange favourable financing, transfer of utilities or other services free of charge.


  • Listing ID: 2949
  • Date updated: 19.02.2025
  • Land type: Commercial

Real estate agent

REALITY Špirka s.r.o.


  • Email - REALITY Špirka s.r.o.
  • Phone - REALITY Špirka s.r.o.
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    1. Czech