Land for sale · Housings · 43 863 m²

Čelakovského, Jaroměřice nad Rokytnou

Price 1 Kč per m²
Price note info v RK

translated from Czech

Commissioned by the owner, we offer an extensive flat plot of land in the heart of Jaroměřice nad Rokytnou. This is a plot of land classified in the local plan of the municipality as intended for the construction of many family houses, alternatively also concurrently with residential houses, on part of the vast plot there is also the possibility of supplementing the infrastructure with commercial and industrial construction. It follows from the nature of the offer that this is an opportunity for developers, as the preference is to sell the land as a whole, not in the initial offer, to approach its fragmentation. Preliminary negotiations with local authorities indicated the City's interest in the implementation, including its responsiveness. The price is a matter of agreement and negotiation.


  • Listing ID: 9567067
  • Date updated: 05.03.2024
  • Available from: 05.03.2024
  • Land type: Housings

Real estate agent

Multicont reality


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