Land for sale · Garden · 670 m²

Opatovice, Vyškov

Price 1 550 Kč per m²
Price note konečná cena

translated from Czech

We have accepted the owner's instruction to offer eleven plots of land in the cadastral area of Opatovice u Vyškova, plots that are designated as gardens and their location is in the vicinity of an existing gardening colony located between Opatovice and Dědice. The approval of the change of the zoning plan was discussed by the City Council of Vyškov and the land will be classified as land for recreation, for the creation of a gardening colony. The registration of the change is planned for this year, but the possibility of buying the land is already coming now, because gardening is a long-planned activity and preparations for the new season start already during the last season. The fact that the land and its purpose will be classified in this way can be verified by any interested party (an excerpt of the Council's decision is attached, as well as the entire document). There are nine plots of land with areas of 834, 831, 763, 815, 828, 837, 1026, 1144 and 1194 m2. All parcels are flat, it is possible to fence them immediately, later, after the registration of the purpose of the land, it is possible to build recreational buildings on the plots, used for gardening and recreational purposes, associated with the activity. The offer has the potential to meet the needs of clients who often demand gardens, preferably close to their homes, where they could realize their hobbies, associated with recreation and a certain degree of subsistence crops, and at the same time the real lack of similar plots with the described use is solved, which is felt in Vyškov, thanks to the seizure of gardens for other purposes, and the situation does not promise improvement.


  • Listing ID: 9644386
  • Date updated: 07.06.2024
  • Available from: 07.06.2024
  • Land type: Garden

Real estate agent

Multicont reality


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